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Articles under: recover
Vietnam aviation industry to get bustling in H2

Vietnam aviation industry to get bustling in H2

Vietnam Airlines will resume direct flights between Vietnam and Asia, Europe, and Oceania from July to October 2021.
August 20: Vietnam’s coronavirus infections surpass 1,000

August 20: Vietnam’s coronavirus infections surpass 1,000

More than half of the patients have recovered.
April 10: 16 more Covid-19 patients in Vietnam recover, 2 cases confirmed

April 10: 16 more Covid-19 patients in Vietnam recover, 2 cases confirmed

Local health experts attributed the high ratio of convalescents (56%) to good treatment largely made through daily online consultation.
April 9: Vietnam reports four new coronavirus cases, 255 in total

April 9: Vietnam reports four new coronavirus cases, 255 in total

Leading health experts join daily online consultations to give Covid-19 patients proper treatment regime.
Half of coronavirus cases in Vietnam recover

Half of coronavirus cases in Vietnam recover

To be considered healthy, Covid-19 patients need to test negative for the virus three consecutive times and go through quarantine for two weeks.
April 6: 39% of Vietnam’s coronavirus infections recover

April 6: 39% of Vietnam’s coronavirus infections recover

Vietnam has been advised to keep vigilance on the epidemic as the situation is unpredictable.
April 3: Vietnam’s coronavirus cases hit 237, 85 recover

April 3: Vietnam’s coronavirus cases hit 237, 85 recover

The active cases are under treatment at 21 hospitals and clinics nationwide.
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